Sunday, July 6, 2008

Your MC VP TM for the term 2008/2009

Hello everybody!

I am Marian, the MC VP TM for the term 2008/2009. You all probably have already met me, but just a bit of more information about me, so that you would get to know me even better. You have 11 months left for that, so use it wisely:)

Marian is currently 21 years old just graduated form the university with a BA in Social Work and Social Politics. Marian likes sink (ham) and pickles, Marian likes to ski in the winter and jog during the summer. The most Marian likes singing and hopefully next year she will be again in Lauluväljak as a member of one choir singing in the Song Festival. Marian has 2 favorite bands: Coldplay and Red Hot Chilli Peppers. My aim is to go to one European city in September to the Coldplays concert, who has the same desire can join me;)

Marian is also a very happy and positive person, who likes to make fun a lot. Sometimes i even do not need to do fun because the things i do or say are just funny. These times i and other people like to blame it on my haircolor, which is blond. I have quite some blond moments, but the blondest i remember is back in the EB days in Tartu. One time i wanted to enter the office with a key and i was hoping the key to unlock the door, which you can actually only open with a card. But i just put the key against the door and waited some reaction, i did not thought about putting the key to the keywhole to open it.

Currently Marian is one part of the 6 members team that lead AIESEC Estonia. I joined AIESEC 3 years ago, in the autumn when i joined Tartu University. It was actually quite random how i joined. I did not know anything about AIESEC, but i went with some friends to LTS and i started liking it and here i am until now. Here are some pictures from the first year:

Energy 2005 (Me in the left with my team mates Liisa-Riin and Katrin)

Panka 2005 (from left:Kersti, me, Anni, Ege and Inga)
Reception weekend in Saarema 2006, remembering great times with amazing people: from left me, Daniel, Ele, Kadri K and Manuel.

Some great times and great memories came back into my mind. 3 years has passed since i joined and still i am here. Mainly because of the people and the self development i have found in here and seen in other people. The area i am dealing currently i have started to like so much that probably next year i want to go study to masters something connected with human resources, so some practice doesn`t do bad. Maybe i will also go on a internship and if so then i would even do 2 internships: one in a big company in the humam resources field somewhere in Europe or Australia and then some development or educational internship in Africa or South America, prefferably near the Carribean Sea:)
And i enjoy belonging to the new MC team, if i would be you i would be jelaous because this team rocks in every possible way;)

You will hear and see soon more from me and Us:)

Enjoy the summer, Marian

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