Monday, July 7, 2008

Lauri in 10 minutes

This is Lauri Lahi writing, a person with probably the hardest-to-understand position name to anyone outside AIESEC - the issue based AIESEC experience 2008/2009.

I am still 21-years old, although more precise would be to say 21,93. If the astrologic signs are important to you, then I am Leo and if my favourite football team tells you a bit more, then I'm for Manchester United.

I have several things I enjoy doing, but none of them I could call my hobbies, more like a part of lifestyle. For example I enjoy jogging and you can track my progress in Nike+ website (username LauriL). I also enjoy healthy food and to learn about it and connect two valuable things about food: great for your health but even better taste.

I don't have any clear music taste, but my phone ring is Big Star - Thirteen. For jogging I like to listen Nickelback, Linkin Park or depending on the mood 80s disco or punk rock. This morning I listened to indie radio station.

I joined AIESEC in 2005 with an aim to get great leadership experience and realize my ambitions in a global organization. Later I started to enjoy several other things as well, like idealistic people with pragmatic solutions, post-conference excitement, having long discussion about AIESEC future etc.

Some pictures from my first year:

Me in the evening of LTS 05. We just successfully managed to turn the carpet other way around. LTS was quite a challenge for me as I didn't have any friends with me. In the end it was good as there was no comfort zone around me and I just had to meet new people. Some great people.

Estonian delegation in CEEMOS 2006 in Poland. In the first months I was quite a shy member, it was the time to get used to AIESEC and other members. Alhough I had participated already in Energy and Annual Conference it was CEEMOS when I first became an active delegate. Before the conference I had decided that this will be the conference where I will take all the opportunities to grow and it was an amazing conference.

Boat race after EB elections in 2006. I very rarely win this game but this was one of the nights. Maybe because our opponents (Mairi and Kaisa, the mc 05/06 members) had to do 2 shifts. It was my first time to apply to a position in AIESEC as well, LCP of Tartu. I didn't get elected but the night was great anyway.

Estonian people development people from different EB-s and MCs in a party at NPC 2006. Few months after my first EB application I applied for the second time and this time successfully - became VP PD of AIESEC Tartu 06/07. The one thing I remember the most from this NPC was the closing plenary. It was the first time I saw Al Pacino's "Game of Inches" video. It was so inspiring at that time and the general mood in closing plenary was worth to remember. After the plenary had ended, everybody just sat and nobody wanted to leave. You could feel the unitedness and positive aspirations in the room. Best closing plenary I have ever attended.

See you soon!

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