Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Who is Kristina?

Who am I?

I am Kristina. Also known as Krissu. The one responsible for making the rest of the guys here work and ensuring the growth and development of AIESEC Estonia.

I am 24 years old, bachelor in economics from Tartu University. Originally from Tallinn.

Hobbies, music

Music and Dancing are the core of my time spending. I have been dancing through out my life (starting with ballet on 2nd grade) and I have tried very different styles. Also music is one of my passions, unfortunatly I cant play any instrument but I just enjoy listening others play. I would recommend some cool Australian bands to listen: The Cat Empire, John Butler, Powderfinger


I joined AIESEC in my second year of university. Mainly because my cousin was in AIESEC and I heard a lot cool stories about it. But I think the selling argument for me was the internationalism and connection with different cultures.

At IC 2006

I like the vision and the end product of AIESEC. I always get really inspired seeing the development journey of our members and then seeing the impact the have after leaving AIESEC. I also like the diversity and professionalism, which is higher than I have ever seen in any other student organization.

Dream X destination?

During my AIESEC years I have dreamed of so many exchange destinations. Sometimes I even feel bad that there are too many options, that I just cant pick. But there are 3 areas where I would like to live for some time in my life: South or West Africa-why? because I would like to see the difference in similarity, I want to explore the life style of Africa, Middle-East - why? this culture has always been really intimidating for me - i love it in dancing and books, but I have yet not got that feeling in real life while traveling in these countries, Eastern-Europe - potentially even some Baltic countries. I have seen how many differences there actually are between the countries so close and I have found that I actually know the less about these.

Blondest moment?

I have blond moments sometimes - had quite a lot of them in Australia. But I think the blondest of them was in High school - I went to a new school and in my first lesson the teacher was reeding names and we had to stand up when our name comes. I was so nervous that I am going to miss my name so the first name that sounded like mine, I stood up - unfortunetley it was a guy`s name and the whole class started laughing at me - good 1st impressions :).

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