Thursday, July 24, 2008

Marko? Want to know more...?


It took some time but here I am. Introducing myself to anyone who have taken some time to read MC and NST of AIESEC Estonia blog.

I`m Marko, a 23years old simple boy from Õismäe - brother, son, boyfriend, AIESEC members, Pärnu college alumni, former Estonian youth track-and-field 300m race Championship silver medalist, beach-volley fan.

I`m the one who likes to a lot of sports,
...still do some sport myself,
...drink cold beer,,
...spend quality time with my friends, "Life Is Beautiful" and "Pulp Fiction" and "4 Rooms" movies,
...listen to Metallica, U2, Dagö, The Beatles, Genialistid, The Rolling Stones, Queen and Freddie Mercury, Jääboiler, Mr.Lawrence, Tõnis Mägi, Mild and others,
...walk in Kadrioru park or in the beach and do some more things which I cannot remember at the moment...

One day I also though about my dream exchange destination. If I want to have quality professional experience which would benefit to my businessman career in Estonia - then Europe it is. Don`t ask me why but I feel that I like Iceland and The Netherlands. If I want to have more cultural experience then it should be somewhere to Asia direction. Somehow I feel that South-America and Australia are just for traveling, Northern-America is not for me and in (black) Africa I have already been for some weeks which was enough.

To talk about AIESEC then I`m one of those who joined AIESEC quite randomly. There was info-evening in Pärnu college in September 2004 and our CEEDer, Ana from Romania, from this time just took my hand and took me there. And that is how it all started - without any long-term perspective in the beginning I started to participate different AIESEC events and that seemed fun. As AIESEC Pärnu had very few members during that time I had always enough challenging things to do during my first months in the organization - seems that I liked it. One thing led to another and now I`m sitting in the cool MC office in the middle point of Tallinn and writing the posting as an MC VP ER. I`m happy about it!

To describe a bit my first year in AIESEC you can see the photos from that time below:

Small AIESEC Pärnu family in Annual Conference 2005 Official Dinner. From the left me, Helena (current MCP of AIESEC Findland), Priit and Liisa. I had just got my first award in AIESEC - "The New Member Excellence Award".

Photo from the same Annual Conference. Why I uploaded this one - I am not 100% sure but it might be that you can recognize 2 of my current team mates from the photo.

I just arrived back to Estonia from my first international AIESEC conference - EuroLDS 2005 in Turkey. Together with me there were Martin, Juhan, Margit and Antti.

They had just elected me (on the left) first time as the LCP of AIESEC Pärnu. It was April 2005. After me and Herdis it was Viljo`s turn to get elected and wet. I remember this night as the longest and one of the wildest party in AIESEC for some of those who got elected/confidence...

For a conclusion: What I like in AIESEC is that it connects ambitious people with whom I have a lot interesting to talk about. I like that all of its members want to give at least a bit to the well-being of the society. AIESEC = probably the best student organization in the world!

Until next postings.

Don`t overwork and do sports.

Enjoy and behave.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Do you Squidoo?

Do you know what Squidoo is? Maybe you have already made a couple of lenses and are already into it, but for those who doesn't have a clue - here it comes.

Squidoo is the world's most popular site for building free, single pages about your passions. Highlight books, blogs, vids, online shops, or just spread the word about stuff you love. Bonus: you raise money (for you or charity) at the same time. It's fast, free, and supereasy. Watch out, it's addicting. :)

Wait, so what's a lens? A lens is...
  • An insanely easy-to-build, single page online.
  • Your signpost about something that matters to you.
  • A place to recommend your favorite stuff.
  • A popular way to get found more on the web.
  • A free (yes, free) way to earn a royalty. For you or for charity.
  • Word of mouth at your fingertips.
  • Squiddylicious.
  • Something you should have if you care about getting the word out,
    about selling something, about changing minds, about sharing info,
    or if you just love to create, express yourself, and play.
I say that Squidoo is like a blog, but cooler. With free blogging hosting providers you can't do all the things Squidoo modules allow you to do - you can't constantly interact with your readers on blog (besides guestbook).

At least you can create lenses about AIESEC and all the @ars who use Squidoo can be informed about all the cool events taking place. Using cool modules of Squidoo you can also gather constructive feedback and suggestions for the next time. Sure, there are so many other topics to write about.

Here I gathered some tutorials for beginners:
An introduction to Squidoo - Name says it all
How to make your first (or second) lens - Basic how-to tutorial
Common newbie Squidoo mistakes - This is the lens I based when creating my first lens

In addition:
Commonly misused words in the English language - May be useful

You can search Squidoo for deeper topics if you like. Like what-what did you say about earning money? Here is the lens which can give you brief overview.

As I like my stuff organized correctly, here is how I do it. Create separate folder for Squidoo and in there main file for your ideas - just so you can easily have an overview of what you would like to write. Easiest way is .txt file, not to mess with .doc types. In Squidoo folder you can create folders for topics you are handling and in there also a file for your ideas on this topic and a folder for images as you will probably need lots of images to create a good lens. And that's it. Everything is organized and well-structured :)

Well, see you there :)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Get to know Maarja

Hello oh mighty Estonians,

My name is Maarja Nurm and I’m the most wanted and most hated VP in MC...MC VP Finance 2008-2009...yes people come to me to get money and also they are afraid that i will not cover their expenses if they come too late. On the more people oriented side I’m also responsible of our adorable alumnaes.

I am currently 22 years old. My birthday is on 6th of March. I recently graduated Tartu University economics faculty with cum laude.

I like music. I have played violin for 10 years and although I do not play it anymore in public, I enjoy going to classical music concerts or see my musician friends. So you can call music as one of my hobby. I also try to keep myself active with sports so to balance somehow this sitting more than 8 hours a day in the office. During winter I go swimming and aerobics (oh yes...body pump is good) and during summer I enjoy riding a bicycle. Though half of our MC loves jogging I really avoid it as this is the sport I would never be good at.

I have never been crazy about any of the artists. And I have never really liked those mass bands/artists (Backstreet boys, Smilers, Madonna) I have avoided buying their CDs and going to their concerts. I’m more into music which has deeper meaning hidden inside and especially i like Estonian artists Jaan Tätte, Jääboiler, Dagö etc. From foreign ones Newton Faulkner, U2 (ok we can argue on that whether it is mass production or not). Also I like music from different cultures i.e Zimbabwe music is really good. Oh yes...and of course I cannot forget instrumental music like Montreal Guitar trio or Irish/Scottish music.

For the first time I like the work I’m doing. I mean that I have worked in several places before but going to MC office in every morning makes me feel happy and I really want to go there. This is the main reason why I like has so many different angles, so you can truly say that you have got everything from one place: great professional experience, personal development, social events, friends and even private life:)

I joined AIESEC at my first university year in 2004, because I wanted to carry on my active organisational life which I had in highschool. As my brother was highly involved in BEST I saw how much benefits the organisation has to a person, so I also wanted that. Though in Tartu there was no BEST but AIESEC this was my one and only choice then. Also I had thoughts of getting international experience and this was also offered by AIESEC. So there were no question then whether to join or not. I’m planning to go to internship in Asia (Singapore) or Latin-America (Brazil). Will see how it works out.

Some pictures from my 1st year in AIESEC

This is me on my first leadership position...somehow I end up being OCP of Panka 2004

Tourch parade in December. These were the times when a lot of members participated at that

NTS 2005 and Estonian song and dance festival with my buddy Deniss:)

About blonde moments...I have had some, but somehow I have forgotten...

All the best,

AIESEC Estonia Birthday coming on 2nd of August!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Who is Kristina?

Who am I?

I am Kristina. Also known as Krissu. The one responsible for making the rest of the guys here work and ensuring the growth and development of AIESEC Estonia.

I am 24 years old, bachelor in economics from Tartu University. Originally from Tallinn.

Hobbies, music

Music and Dancing are the core of my time spending. I have been dancing through out my life (starting with ballet on 2nd grade) and I have tried very different styles. Also music is one of my passions, unfortunatly I cant play any instrument but I just enjoy listening others play. I would recommend some cool Australian bands to listen: The Cat Empire, John Butler, Powderfinger


I joined AIESEC in my second year of university. Mainly because my cousin was in AIESEC and I heard a lot cool stories about it. But I think the selling argument for me was the internationalism and connection with different cultures.

At IC 2006

I like the vision and the end product of AIESEC. I always get really inspired seeing the development journey of our members and then seeing the impact the have after leaving AIESEC. I also like the diversity and professionalism, which is higher than I have ever seen in any other student organization.

Dream X destination?

During my AIESEC years I have dreamed of so many exchange destinations. Sometimes I even feel bad that there are too many options, that I just cant pick. But there are 3 areas where I would like to live for some time in my life: South or West Africa-why? because I would like to see the difference in similarity, I want to explore the life style of Africa, Middle-East - why? this culture has always been really intimidating for me - i love it in dancing and books, but I have yet not got that feeling in real life while traveling in these countries, Eastern-Europe - potentially even some Baltic countries. I have seen how many differences there actually are between the countries so close and I have found that I actually know the less about these.

Blondest moment?

I have blond moments sometimes - had quite a lot of them in Australia. But I think the blondest of them was in High school - I went to a new school and in my first lesson the teacher was reeding names and we had to stand up when our name comes. I was so nervous that I am going to miss my name so the first name that sounded like mine, I stood up - unfortunetley it was a guy`s name and the whole class started laughing at me - good 1st impressions :).

Monday, July 7, 2008

Lauri in 10 minutes

This is Lauri Lahi writing, a person with probably the hardest-to-understand position name to anyone outside AIESEC - the issue based AIESEC experience 2008/2009.

I am still 21-years old, although more precise would be to say 21,93. If the astrologic signs are important to you, then I am Leo and if my favourite football team tells you a bit more, then I'm for Manchester United.

I have several things I enjoy doing, but none of them I could call my hobbies, more like a part of lifestyle. For example I enjoy jogging and you can track my progress in Nike+ website (username LauriL). I also enjoy healthy food and to learn about it and connect two valuable things about food: great for your health but even better taste.

I don't have any clear music taste, but my phone ring is Big Star - Thirteen. For jogging I like to listen Nickelback, Linkin Park or depending on the mood 80s disco or punk rock. This morning I listened to indie radio station.

I joined AIESEC in 2005 with an aim to get great leadership experience and realize my ambitions in a global organization. Later I started to enjoy several other things as well, like idealistic people with pragmatic solutions, post-conference excitement, having long discussion about AIESEC future etc.

Some pictures from my first year:

Me in the evening of LTS 05. We just successfully managed to turn the carpet other way around. LTS was quite a challenge for me as I didn't have any friends with me. In the end it was good as there was no comfort zone around me and I just had to meet new people. Some great people.

Estonian delegation in CEEMOS 2006 in Poland. In the first months I was quite a shy member, it was the time to get used to AIESEC and other members. Alhough I had participated already in Energy and Annual Conference it was CEEMOS when I first became an active delegate. Before the conference I had decided that this will be the conference where I will take all the opportunities to grow and it was an amazing conference.

Boat race after EB elections in 2006. I very rarely win this game but this was one of the nights. Maybe because our opponents (Mairi and Kaisa, the mc 05/06 members) had to do 2 shifts. It was my first time to apply to a position in AIESEC as well, LCP of Tartu. I didn't get elected but the night was great anyway.

Estonian people development people from different EB-s and MCs in a party at NPC 2006. Few months after my first EB application I applied for the second time and this time successfully - became VP PD of AIESEC Tartu 06/07. The one thing I remember the most from this NPC was the closing plenary. It was the first time I saw Al Pacino's "Game of Inches" video. It was so inspiring at that time and the general mood in closing plenary was worth to remember. After the plenary had ended, everybody just sat and nobody wanted to leave. You could feel the unitedness and positive aspirations in the room. Best closing plenary I have ever attended.

See you soon!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Your MC VP TM for the term 2008/2009

Hello everybody!

I am Marian, the MC VP TM for the term 2008/2009. You all probably have already met me, but just a bit of more information about me, so that you would get to know me even better. You have 11 months left for that, so use it wisely:)

Marian is currently 21 years old just graduated form the university with a BA in Social Work and Social Politics. Marian likes sink (ham) and pickles, Marian likes to ski in the winter and jog during the summer. The most Marian likes singing and hopefully next year she will be again in Lauluväljak as a member of one choir singing in the Song Festival. Marian has 2 favorite bands: Coldplay and Red Hot Chilli Peppers. My aim is to go to one European city in September to the Coldplays concert, who has the same desire can join me;)

Marian is also a very happy and positive person, who likes to make fun a lot. Sometimes i even do not need to do fun because the things i do or say are just funny. These times i and other people like to blame it on my haircolor, which is blond. I have quite some blond moments, but the blondest i remember is back in the EB days in Tartu. One time i wanted to enter the office with a key and i was hoping the key to unlock the door, which you can actually only open with a card. But i just put the key against the door and waited some reaction, i did not thought about putting the key to the keywhole to open it.

Currently Marian is one part of the 6 members team that lead AIESEC Estonia. I joined AIESEC 3 years ago, in the autumn when i joined Tartu University. It was actually quite random how i joined. I did not know anything about AIESEC, but i went with some friends to LTS and i started liking it and here i am until now. Here are some pictures from the first year:

Energy 2005 (Me in the left with my team mates Liisa-Riin and Katrin)

Panka 2005 (from left:Kersti, me, Anni, Ege and Inga)
Reception weekend in Saarema 2006, remembering great times with amazing people: from left me, Daniel, Ele, Kadri K and Manuel.

Some great times and great memories came back into my mind. 3 years has passed since i joined and still i am here. Mainly because of the people and the self development i have found in here and seen in other people. The area i am dealing currently i have started to like so much that probably next year i want to go study to masters something connected with human resources, so some practice doesn`t do bad. Maybe i will also go on a internship and if so then i would even do 2 internships: one in a big company in the humam resources field somewhere in Europe or Australia and then some development or educational internship in Africa or South America, prefferably near the Carribean Sea:)
And i enjoy belonging to the new MC team, if i would be you i would be jelaous because this team rocks in every possible way;)

You will hear and see soon more from me and Us:)

Enjoy the summer, Marian

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hey, I am German, NST IM for this term. The biggest dream I have for this year is that @ in Estonia will have 126 exchanges during this term. (I can explain how I got this number privately in the real life).

I don't listen to music and don't have any time for hobbies. Tho, I have some time in the mornings when I have my "thinking" time and then I play Snake 2 :)

About AIESEC I like mostly cool people in here. I won't put a picture of me from the first year, but I will put up the picture how I will look like year from now.

(If you meant blond as a bit stupid). I feel that way, when someone says a word I don't understand (especially in Estonian). I never understand, when someone is joking - I just laugh along, so that they won't understand my position. (So if you see me laughing, you know that)

Sometimes I act this way.. For example every time when I drink half of the bottle before buying it and then ask the cashier "Is it supposed to be half empty?" When I call to help desk, then it is also fun to play with them for a while (hey, they get a lot of money for their job!). If you think a bit about that, then acting blond needs some skills. Yes.. :) .. Yep.

Side lõpp.