Saturday, August 23, 2008

IC experience for MCPs

I have to admit that my predecessors were al right when they said that IC for MCPs is totally different xp than for MC members. Lot of my time I have spent on strategic discussions about the future of the organization management issues. And the good thing with MCPs network is that it is not only a discussion, but we have the power to change things. During the IC we have a lot of legislation fairs were different proposals for changes in the way we do things (according to international compendium) are proposed and argued. So far we have gone through with all the MCPs 2 important topics:

AI Internal Auditors report with recommendations for MCPs what to raise in the legislation.

AIESEC US case, with presentation from the research team that was composed to solve the issue reported to global network in July. This topic will continue also next day. It is a delegate topic with lot of emotions, but the most important thing is to understand the core of the issue and take it as a new experience the organization is going through. And it is great to be part of this decision making time.

I have also been selected as part of the Finance subcommittee and Steering team, which means extra work and fun during IC. Finance subcommittee is group of MCPs representing each GN to review AI finances and management, including country fees calculation models, AI annual reports and budgets etc. This team will also put togheter recommendations for Global Plenary for Legislation.

The Steering team has 3 topics to be discussed during IC:

How to measure quality and what should be the measures?

Aligning structures internationally – defining the GN boards role, MC role and other bodies roles in different countries and coming up with an answer shouldn’t or should they be aligned internationally and how?

Creating a planning model that could be used by all the countries and that takes into consideration the external environment.

But apart from work there is also fun – and I am off to the Africa party to meat with cool alumnae from all over the world who arrived at IC today.

Estonian delegation is doing well and we are recognized and famous with our flag-shirt ;).

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