Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First experience with Brazil

Hi all,

Though it is already our 5th day at IC and 14th in IC, we manage right now to do a posting about study tour now, as it is extremely hard to get into internet here.

Just wanted to share a bit about our study tour which we decided to spend in Goyas instead of Rio De Janiro. It seems that people in MC are more into nature than sightseeing in famous places.

Goyas is a state in Brazil, which is situated in the middle of the country, more north from Sao Paolo state.

Which we learnt about Brazilians?
They are extremely friendly and smiling even if things are going wrong

When they say it is close, it is actually really far

When they say it takes one hour to get to some place, then double this time. Trip from Sao Paulo to Goyania should have taken 12 hours, but it took 16.
As we didn't have a change to wash, we used other means for that

What we experienced?
That Brazilia is extremely big and getting from one place to another needs patience and plenty of time. We travelled 16 hours to get from one city to another which is comparable with driving to Poland, but at the mean time you have seen already 4 countries.

That’s why the weather is completely different. It was cold and raining in Sao Paulo, but it was 30 degrees and very dry in Goyania. It was even so dry that we saw many field and forest fires, but as it turned out later the locals are setting the fires themselves to prevent the huge fires.

There is a weird system in the gas stations and every bar as well. When u enter the gas station you will get a sheet of paper and all the things you wanna buy will be labeled by the shop assistant and then written on the paper. So in the end you will pay by the sheet of paper. We figured it out that maybe people who are serving the food are not allowed to touch the money. Even in the hotel we get the coupons to buy something.

In gasstations it was good to strech ourselves

Extremely beautiful waterfall, with extemely gold but refreshing water

Culture experience by rehershing capoeira. Aika as Estonian master on that:)

The one and only ecofarm where everything is handmade and grown on spot which makes it sustainable and good

The famous coconut drink
In the capital Brazilia. The house of the parliament. An interesting thing about Brazilia is that the city has a shape of an aeroplane. The main body belonges to all administrative institutions and people are living in the "wings" part.
Stay tune for more updates as it seams that there will be more internet from now on.
Boa noite,

1 comment:

marian said...

It was so good to see the pictures and hear some story, how have you been doing discovering Brazil.

Enjoy your last days there and see you soon:)